Sun - bike in morning, raft in afternoon, a volleyball game the day before; played with Tongan church previously but was considered second class, 3200 W 2m
Mon/Tues full rest from camping exertion, ball 1.5m,
Wed - met former semi-pro discer from PA who was money with the putter, overweight now but easily birdied T-ville, 1m, roller-bladed with boys on Kearns canal by Mays, to Hunter High, 3m
Thu - 2 on 2 with key guy and short Asian and my teammate, older irregular who made some shots and we won 21-2 first game, lost then won, why does 2 on 2 tire one out? Always moving, 2m
Sat - swimming for Amelia's b-day, 1/2m, dove like I haven't in 12 years, did a gainer and dove off highdive once