Mon - Rainy
Tue - Came a little late to ball, matched up with a young player who was faster and liked to shoot long 3s. I made the game-winning 3 ag him and he said, "That's the only shot he made all game." Then next game he spoke of me making it in his face. I then proceeded to make several shots including the game-winning 3 where he failed to guard me. He's a player, not a baller. Guarded me hard one time, but inconsistent effort and when he failed a few shots he was out of it. Practiced disc distance at Bluffdale park with Thorin.
Wed - Off work early, to Roots, soreness in foot after throwing there, and 2 ball nites. Again a little late, lost to Dallin and tall Bingham friend, they hardly had to try. I was matched with long 3 takers. I played well after getting warm, Dallin stole once, bad turnovers at first. One game w Dallin, he passed to me for mid-range. Knee-brace guy came in and stomped it, 3s from the right side like rain. Got on his team and aces. Also last game to 15 he passed to me for the open walk-off 3.