Just enough to get the blood moving thru the legs. Wanted to go to Spin later, but will be going to Alex's basketball game instead ... maybe I will stop by the gym on the way home & pedal a little on my own ... doesn't sound very exciting to do though! Legs feel ok, definitely need a couple days rest though before any hard workouts though ... 97 days to Boston ... guess I will start a 13 week plan next week. Intersting article on fueling/electrolytes ... it is too long and a marketing piece ... so you have to take it with a grain of salt! I have become a fan of Endurolytes by 'Hammer', and am convinced that electrolyte depletion is the number one cause of failure in the last 6 miles of a marathon with well trained athletes. With that being said, it is worth taking an hour to study up on ... even if it means cutting a long run in half to make the time to do it! http://www.hammernutrition.com/downloads/fuelinghandbook.pdf We all train hard, sometimes it is little things like this, and amount of sleep we get, that make the difference in achieving & exceeding our goals.