Total time of 1:40:00
TLDR: 2+ mile tempo in 12:35. I hit the 2 mile mark at 11:33.
Full Version: After considering last week to drop down my running time this week I ended up running the full distance that I had originally planned, but I skipped out on speed workouts until today and just ran 1:22:00 easy every day from Monday through Friday. I was also planning on running easy today, but as the run progressed I ended up deciding to run a tempo after I turned around just after 50:00.
I started off the run at a slow pace but then fairly quickly sped up to where I was running somewhere in the 7:20-7:40 range which progressively got faster until I was running close to 7:00 pace, which I averaged for a stretch of almost 3 miles that I measured on the canal trail until I turned around. I hit the turn around at 50:07 and then immediately started a 2+ mile tempo. I started off a little slow on the tempo, only running my first quarter in 93 seconds, but after that I sped up and every quarter thereafter was assumed to have been under 90 seconds (some markers were missing, so I don't have split times for most quarters). I hit the 2 mile mark of the tempo at 11:33, but continued for a little longer as I wanted to time a half mile segment that was marked on the trail, and I finished the tempo in 12:35 (I must have looked at my watch wrong because I timed the last 0.5 in 2:43, which was maybe a 2:53 instead assuming that I misread my watch, thinking that it read xx:59 instead of xx:49?).
I then finished the run, running back home and arriving less than a minute before my watch hit 1:40:00, and running back and forth in the driveway until I finished.