Philippians 4:13

Utah Valley Marathon

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Idaho Falls,ID,USA

Member Since:

Apr 21, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

2007 St. George Marathon 2:32:06 (marathon PR)

2014 St. George Marathon 2:32:45 (close to old PR...7 years later!)

2014 Boston Marathon, 2:39:00, 298th OA, 8th AG, 1st Idahoan

2013 Lake Lowell Marathon, 2:48:34 (Course Record), 1st Overall (#6)

2012 Boston Marathon, 2:43:26 (HOT!!), 114th OA, 9th Master OA, 1st Idahoan

2010 B&A Trail Marathon (MD), 2:40:18, 1st Overall (#3), Master's Course Record (still!)

2010 Mesa Falls Marathon, 2:48:55, 1st Overall (#4)

2009 Pocatello Marathon, 2:37:22, 1st Overall (#2)

2011 The M.A.D. Marathon, 2:55:14, 1st OA (training run) (#5)

2006 Teton Dam Marathon, 2:50:48 1st Overall (#1)

2015 Hood to Coast Relay (195 miles), 1st Masters Team (6th OA), 19:59:57, 6:03 avg pace for the team

2008 Ragner Relay Del Sol (182 mile relay) 1st place team 17:04:37, 5:38 pace avg for the team

50,000 lifetime miles from spring 2000 to October 2019.  Computer logged 50,000 miles from Jan 2005 to September 12, 2020. 

Logged (on computer) 49,802 miles (2 x circumference of the earth) in ~5,700 days (8/23/20)

Logged (on computer) 24,901 miles (circumference of the earth) in 2,889 days (11/29/12)  

Short-Term Running Goals:

Keep on running, enjoy it for the sake of running, relax and enjoy  Stay fit as I enter retirement in  2025.

No racing, retired.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running until this old body says no, running for fun.


Retiring from my job of 33 years in March 2025.  

I started running competitively in 2005 and ran my first marathon in 2005. Now retired from competitive racing.

Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;

answer me, for I need your help.
Protect me, for I am devoted to you.
Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.
Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I am calling on you constantly.
Give me happiness, O Lord,
for I give myself to you.
O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord;
hear my urgent cry.
I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble,
and you will answer me.  - Psalm 86:1-7

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Miles:This week: 15.50 Month: 54.50 Year: 336.75
Runs With Moxie Lifetime Miles: 13113.10
Vibram Five Finger Bikila Lifetime Miles: 137.80
Saucony Xodus 2011 Lifetime Miles: 982.61
Saucony Fastwitch White 2019 Lifetime Miles: 2256.18
Saucony Guide Yellow 2019 Lifetime Miles: 1204.75
Brooks Launch 6 Red 2020 Lifetime Miles: 2363.95
Nike React Infinity Black Flyknit 2021 Lifetime Miles: 1002.90
Nike React Infinity Blue Flynit 2021 Lifetime Miles: 669.00
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38 Lifetime Miles: 1287.50
Nike Quest Shield 3 2024 Lifetime Miles: 90.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 24.60Saucony Trigdon Ride 1 Miles: 3.00Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 30.45
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My legs were pretty sore this morning, both quads and my left calf...good thing this is taper week.  4M early before church in overcast, cool and rainy skies.  I got pretty wet but it was a good shakeout run. 

Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 4.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

3M very easy this morning in cool and wet weather. This was just a shake out run as my legs were a bit sore from Saturday's run (quads and calves especially). Rolled my legs when I got worries just the kink's from an agressive downhill run. (Trigon)

5M at lunch time with Pat B. in cool and cloudy conditions...perfect running weather actually!  Nice and easy shake out run (legs are still a bit stiff) with great conversation about our race strategies for this weekend (he is running Teton Dam Marathon in Rexburg...expect to see him as the winner).   (Ride)

Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 5.00Saucony Trigdon Ride 1 Miles: 3.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

6.35M run at lunch on a beautiful day...sunny,calm and about 60 degrees.  Started off at MP for the first 4M (6:15, 6:13, 6:25, 6:25).  About 2.5M in my calves/achilles started to tighten so I slowed up a bit.  At about 3.75M I caught up with Dan S and we ran the rest of the way back together at a easy pace (~7:20ish).  Nice taper week run. 

Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 6.35
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

6.25M run at lunch with Pat B. on a nice day...55 degrees, no wind, cloudy.  Nice easy conversational pace (7:14) for the run just to keep legs refreshed and to shake them out a bit. 

Looking forward to the race on Saturday, quite a group up should be fun.

Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 6.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Short easy run of 4.25M before work this morning in nice running weather (45 degrees, no wind, no rain).  Just a easy taper run in my racing shoes to keep the legs fresh...did this one early due to work meetings today.


Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 4.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

3M easy after sleeping in a little (went out at 5:20) in pretty warm and misty/rainy weather.  Ready to race tomorrow.

Driving down to Provo this morning with the family.  Looking forward to seeing all the FRB'ers.

Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 3.00
Race: Utah Valley Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:41:40, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Quick update:  2:41:40ish, 8th overall, 1st in AG.  Disappointed with my time (didn't even hit C Goal of sub 2:40).  Course not as fast as I thought.  Calves started to have issues early (4M) and my last 5M was a death march. 

More later.  Ok here is later...

Walked to the bus pickup with Kory and Bill M and met up with MattK (from the Blog), Walter and his friend Scott.  Nice ride up to the start.  Only had about 40 minutes to wait.  Got ready and saw lots of FRB'ers at the start then we were off.

Ran steady with Walter from the start.  The front pack of 4 guys took off about mile 2, followed by Sasha and Jeff (Steve A joined them shortly as well) and Kory was running just back of us for most the race (until he passed us!).   Steady and easy on the rolling downhill out of the canyon.  It was a beautiful running day and nice scenery.  However, about 3 miles in I could start to feel my left calf tightening and I mentioned it to Walt at mile 4.  So here we are, me and my calf and Walt and his cold congestion trying to run fast, quite a pair.  We are hitting our splits ok (averaging about 5:50ish) coming down the canyon.  Lots of mileage on concrete (which sucked, it was very hard and we could both feel it). 

Hit mile 10 at 58:35ish feeling ok (calf still tight, Walt having issues with his congestion still).  Start to get into Provo and all the turns start!  This was actually a real pain in the butt.  Hit half at 1:17:22 (a little behind now) and Walt has to duck into the portapotty.  I see Kory coming on as we run an S-curve (the first of many sharp turns)!  Still a slight downhill but feeling mostly flat. 

We run into town and get away from the highway (by running behind a strip mall, how scenic!) and onto the Jordan River Pathway.  Now the curves and dips really start as we wind along the river and duck under roads via tunnels...momentum sappers!  I start to see Steve A at mile 16 and can tell he is slowing (as am average pace is now moving from 5:50 closer to 6:00 all the time, yikes!).  I tell myself to stay patient as there is a lot of race left and my calves are still tight, no need to implode trying to catch Steve.

At mile 18, I am coming up on Steve and he stops and tells me he is done.  I wish him well and marshall on knowing that Kory is coming on.  I am running in 7th, but the legs are weakening and the calves are preventing me from pushing with full power on the kick.  I only took 3 gels during the race (at 7M, 15M and about 19M) but I don't think any more would have helped.  I am walking the line between trying to maintain a decent pace and not pushing too hard so I don't crash even more and cramp up hard.

At mile 23, Kory catches me and we run together for a stretch.  He is such a strong finisher I try to stay with him but my legs don't respond (still no power) so I just try to keep him in sight.  At mile 25M I see him weaving all over the road (is he going to fall?  no, he is just trying to be a good friend and pull me along!) as he looks back to try and encourage me to come up...not in the cards.  He puts nearly a full minute on me in the last 3M, great job Kory!

As I enter the mall parking lot, I just start to push with all I have...since I missed my A, B and C goals I think maybe I can get 2:40:32 for a third time...nope.  As I hit 26M, I run as hard as I can to the finish and cross the line pretty pissed off at myself. 

Overall an ok race but disappointing in the time and my fitness.  The course was not nearly as fast as I thought it would be (Sasha told me this right before the race, he was right).  Still have some tweaks to do in my training to try and get back in the 2:30's in a future race.  Focus on more "big workouts" and long intervals, more hills and more fast finish long runs (including at least 2 20+ milers) before the next marathon.

Splits:  1-6:09, 2-5:39, 3-5:52, 4-5:54, 5-6:10, 6-5:45, 7-5:39, 8-5:47, 9-5:47, 10-5:43, 11-5:51, 12-6:08, 13-6:00, 14-5:51, 15-6:02, 16-6:09, 17-6:14, 18-6:18, 19-6:21, 20-6:29, 21-6:28, 22-6:35, 23-6:49, 24-6:34, 25-6:42, 26-6:41, 0.2 (0.34 on garmin)-2:08.


Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 26.20
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Progrid Ride 2009 Miles: 24.60Saucony Trigdon Ride 1 Miles: 3.00Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 30.45
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