Second kettle bell workout with Dave. Today we focused on the mechanics of a kettle bell snatch. To help me get the feel of it, we worked on dead lifts with a barbell (to establish my "hinge"), did a million kettle bell swings, tried some dumbbell snatches, and did several other things. By the end, I was finally getting the feel of the snatch, which ends with the kettle bell resting against the forearm of the hand that is straight up. I did it wrong so many times that my wrists were pretty bruised by the end (when it's done correctly, the kettle bell lands on the forearm very softly). We finished off the session with the following quick workout: 15 swings (44-lb) 5 squats while holding a 26-lb kettlebell in each arm (can't remember what this exercise is called) Repeated 4 times It's amazing how tired these workouts can get me in 5 minutes or less.