10 miles with 8 at HMP effort. Drove 2 miles from my house into Emigration and parked the car. It was cold up there--probably in the low 40's. Should have brought arm warmers and light gloves. Oops. Ran 4 miles up with last 2 miles at a target HR of no higher than 173. I was slightly higher than that even though the splits were only 7:00 (172 bpm) and 7:33 (174 bpm). Effort didn't feel hard, but HR was high. I don't know why. At turnaround point, I rested, walked, and stretched for 5-7 minutes before starting the fast downhill section. Target was to stay under 5:55. Splits were as follows:
Mile 5: 5:45 (167 bpm)
Mile 6: 5:48 (174 bpm)
Mile 7: 5:53 (175 bpm)
Mile 8: 5:46 (177 bpm)
Mile 9: 5:36 (179 bpm)
Mile 10: 5:21 (181 bpm)
I felt much better than on my Emigration run last Saturday. The brisk temperature may have contributed to that, along with the fact that my ipod worked this time. I prefer not to race with music, but it seems to help me pull a little more out of myself on some of my harder training runs, so I'll probably keep doing it, at least until I feel like I can hit my targets consistently without the help of music. The effort felt good.