I headed over to Sugarhouse this morning for 15x2-minute intervals. During my 2-mile warmup, I felt the pain in my left ITB that was bugging me a few weeks ago, only it didn't seem to be getting better as I warmed up. After 2 miles, I stopped and stretched pretty thoroughly, then tried a few pickups to see how it felt.
When the pain continued, I stopped and thought about what to do. I remembered that I had felt pretty significant ITB pain during the first 10 miles or so of pacing at Wasatch 100 on Friday night, particularly on the killer descents. I forgot to write anything about it on the blog, probably because I didn't blog the run until the next day and was still recovering from the sleep deprivation. Because this has been a recurring issue over the past couple of months and because the race is so close, I decided that I needed to pay attention to signals my body was sending and that it was more important to get to the starting line as healthy as possible than to get another interval workout in today. I called the workout and drove home.
I took 3 prednisone tablets and spent the next 90 minutes stretching, massaging, and icing in an effort to zap the problem as quickly as possible. I'll do more of the same tonight and will see how I feel tomorrow. |