morning - 11 Prospector. Ran with Trev, Mike, Ry (who flipped early) and Twix. It rained last night, so the trail was in awesome condition. Although I was tired, the run was great. Such great guys; glad I have been able to be part of their lives. It's fun watching grow up. I've learned a lot from them (and the many other kids I've had the privilege of coaching), I hope hat in some way I have influenced them for the positive. (Sense 167.25)
Big ending to an otherwise unimpressive week. But I did attempt a tempo. Also had a lot of fun running with Rylee.
Goals for next week: start the new year off in a positive way. This year was my worse running year in probably 14-15 years. Battled injuries and fatigue. Still battling both; but would like to bring in a good positive attitude to all aspects of life and keep on keeping on.