AM - 22 SGM. James and I did an Up and Down the course. We. Made wagers on how many, "You're going the wrong way!"'s that we would get. Surprisingly it was just 1. But did get to see a few people out that haven't seen in a bit. Saw Mike, Billy, Scott, Baggs and others. Run up was strong. Maybe one of the best I've had. Ave was 7:31 with a 168spm. I actually really like running up the course; down on the other hand was tough. Could tell right away that I haven't done any downhill work and that I am not in as great as shape as I would hope. So I turned it into 2 mile sets with 3 min recovery. Tried to go about MP. Even with the fatigue, I was hitting it pretty good. Hit around 5:30-5:40 pace for each set - even a very solid 5:42 mile up Winchester (anyone who has ever been around me on this mile knows it isn't my fave). It worked out that I could have had 1 last mile to push in, but I was tired and with no fuel for the run, I was right about to bonk, so I just ran it in with no push. Good workout. (Peg Black 269.25) I guess a good week. Tempo was better, today's workout was okay. Made it through the first week of school (even if it was short). Goals for next week: still in survival mode in many aspects of life. So, survive. |