AM - 14.75 Tempo Loop. We think we have our tempo loop worked out now, as we moved the starting line up the Staheli Farm Rd to Stucki Farms and then ended right at the bridge. Tempo went well, just want to see myself getting stronger in the next few weeks. 1-5:40, started off conservatively and ran well with the Circle, caught James just at the end of the mile as he had started a few seconds earlier. 2-:49, a little slower as we went up the Chipman hill, ended right at the top of their hill. 3-:32, always the quickest mile because you come off the hill and still feel good. 4-:33, Clyde and I just rolling along. 5-:39, the way this broke up the Mosquito Trail was good. 6-:36, wanted the last three to be the fastest, have really worked on consentrating on making the end of workouts the best (a very week point for me in races), hoped for under 5:30, but legs were just tired. 7-:35, about the same feeling as the last mile. 8-:32, and the same again. (Rocket 2 60.25)
afternoon - 5 City Creek. Trail Tuesday drew a solid crowd today, some who had never been on trails before. It was fun to see them working hard and enjoying this awesome type of running. (VertK 245) |