Today was the Nebo invite. We left at 1:30 from the school but I didn't race until 5:30. It was pretty cold so we spent a lot of the time inside the high school. It was pretty fun, we had competitions to see who could slide the farthest on our backs, and we were messing with this one really cocky kid from Bingham. We watched Walton get third in the JV race then started warming up. It had been raining for the past couple days so the ground was soggy, and since we were the last race of the day the course was absolutely wrecked. The gun went off and i tried to get out fast but since I was in the back row it was very difficult. The whole first mile I was stuck and just trying to get free, but once i got out of this huge pack of kids though I was able to start moving. The whole second mile I just kind of stayed in this pack and passed a few people. Once we were coming around the track for the last lap Tanner passed me and I hung on for a while before droppng off with about 800m to go. Coming around the baseball fields I lost a bunch of time by 1) some kid pushed me and I fell over when we weree going through the deep mud 2) my shoe came untied and nearly came off like three times. my headband also came off so I flicked it over by the scoreboard. At the very end I was sprinting to try to hold off someone who I couldn't tell who it was until I finished and it was Justin on PG. He said he got a fastrunningblog which is cool. We came in third to AF and Bingham. I was so mad because I really thought that we had Bingham we had all seven guys in twenty spots ahead of their fifth guy. Oh well, we'll get them at state.