Cursed Realm of the Faceless Ghost

Utah Running Club 15K

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Member Since:

Apr 07, 2010



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

5K - 17:11 (Cougar Run)

10K - 34:35 (Deseret News)

15K - 57:33 (Utah Running Club)

1/2 - 1:22:26 (Mountain View Trail)

50K - 4:22:31 (Sapper Joe)

Short-Term Running Goals:

Sub-2:45 at Saint George Marathon

Win the Antelope Island half marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

I'd like to run the Angeles Crest 100 at some point. And I'd still like to go sub-4 at a trail 50k. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions.


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I was a competitive cyclist for years. In 2009, after racing in the Tour of Utah, I decided I had plateaued as a cyclist--I could continue to improve, but I wouldn't break through to a new level. So, I started looking for a new challenge.

I thought that challenge would be mountain biking, but I'm a terrible bike handler. I married Catherine in January 2010 and a couple of weeks later I entered the SLTC Winter Training Series with her. A couple of weeks after that I decided I'd like to run ultras, so I signed up for a couple of 50Ks to get started.

Those first races came and went, with varying results. I was looking forward to running more and possibly pushing into the longer distances, but I injured my knee in June 2010 and I've never been consistently healthy since.

I started law school in August 2010, which meant less time for training. In June 2011, Baby Elliott was born, which meant even less time for training. But she's worth it. 

Baby Nora joined us in October 2013, with the same effect on training as Elliott (who, incidentally, is no longer a baby). 

I (finally) finished school in April 2014 and now I'm an evil corporate lawyer in Salt Lake. I have no illusions that I'll ever get back into the shape that I once was, but I'm perfectly at peace with that. I still have many goals to accomplish and many years in which to do it. 

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Total Distance
Brooks Launch Miles: 45.20Brooks Cascadia 4 Miles: 24.75
Weight: 164.93
Total Distance

Rest day. I don't feel too tired after yesterday's run, but my legs are destroyed. They're almost as sore as they were after the Buffalo Run 50K.

Weight: 165.20
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Total Distance

AM: Easy run at Liberty Park (6.1 miles). My legs are still extremely sore from Saturday.

PM: More easy miles at Liberty Park (5.3 miles). Still sore, but I got to run the last couple of miles with Catherine and Tigger.

Brooks Launch Miles: 11.40
Weight: 165.20
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Total Distance

AM: Still sore, still taking it easy. Easy run to and from Liberty Park, plus two laps on the cinder track. Six miles in 47:41.

PM: Short run on the treadmill. Four miles in 29:00. Varied pace, but it was mostly an easy effort.

Brooks Launch Miles: 10.00
Weight: 164.40
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Total Distance

AM: To and from Liberty Park, plus three laps. 7.5 miles in 57:00. I was hoping for one more hard week, but with Sapper Joe less than two weeks away I don't want to do anything to set myself back. Since I'm too sore to do hard workouts right now, I'm trying to make up for it with consistency. I hope to be ready for some hills tomorrow. 

PM: I ran up through Memory Grove and back down through the Avenues so I could stop at Smith's on my way home. 3.5 miles in 27:19. Afterward, Catherine and I ran the loop together in 34:00.

Brooks Launch Miles: 14.50
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Catherine had to go to Saratoga Springs to conduct a focus group this evening, so I decided to go with her and run the Lott Canyon run from Crockett's blog. And naturally I got lost at the first opportunity. After bushwacking up the wrong canyon for a mile or so, I finally conceded that the trail I was on was not actually a trail. Once I admitted I had a problem, I was able to turn around and (quite easily) find the road I was looking for. Even with my detour, which added about 1.4 miles to the run, I hit the top in 44:19 (4.9 miles).

Without any more detours the descent went quickly. Unfortunately, I got lost again looking for the church I was supposed to meet Catherine at (Google Maps' fault this time, although I made things worse by not staying put). Fortunately, Catherine found me eventually.

Anyways, here's Crockett's route:

And here's my version, with scenic detours:

Just over 12 miles and just under 1900 feet in 1:37:58.

Brooks Cascadia 4 Miles: 12.25
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

I went for a run on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail after work this evening. I wasn't sure how far I was going to go when I started, but since I was feeling pretty beat I decided early in the run that I wouldn't be going long. The rain and hail that came later reinforced that.

I ran from Dry Whatever to City Creek, with a brief detour on the Black Mountain trail. (It was my first time on the trail, and in the next week or two I plan to hit the summit.) Anyways, I'm pretty tired right now. I'm looking forward to taking it easy next week.


Brooks Cascadia 4 Miles: 12.50
Weight: 0.00
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Race: Utah Running Club 15K (9.3 Miles) 00:57:33, Place overall: 1
Total Distance

Catherine and I thought it would be fun to race today, so we looked up a few options online and decided to run the Utah Running Club 15K for three reasons: 1) we needed to go to Provo anyway, 2) 15K was about exactly what Catherine wanted to run today, and 3) the price (5 bucks) was right.

Unfortunately, it was just a tiny little event and I felt like a sandbagger. There were probably just a few more than 10 runners, and I'm not sure how many of those were even running the 15K (there were also 5K and 10K options). Oh well.

I was the first guy across the line and Catherine the first girl, and we both PRed. I didn't feel great, but I'm happy with my effort. I've been running a lot (for me) for the last few weeks, so it was encouraging to be able to run reasonably fast with tired legs. And this course was harder than the last 15K I ran, so I think it's a solid indicator that I've improved since then.

Still, I was a little uncomfortable at speed, so I think I need to spend a little more training time running fast instead of running up hills.

Brooks Launch Miles: 9.30
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance
Brooks Launch Miles: 45.20Brooks Cascadia 4 Miles: 24.75
Weight: 164.93
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