I thought I would go out to the Oval for a speed workout since it is lighter and somewhat warmer than it is outside. I drove out there to find that the oval is closed for the entire week. Grrr. I hate when my plans get ruined. I drove home, and found I had no motivation to run a workout outside. So, I just went for a run. It might have been a good idea since my first 4 miles were pretty slow. Muscles take some time to warm up when it is 30 degrees.
I dropped my i-pod and cracked the screen. Grrr. (I'm doing a lot of growling this morning!)
Later AM: I went to take the Total Body Conditioning class taught by my friend Kim. Kim is a 2:52 marathoner and gears all of her strength classes towards runners. Unfortunately, 25 minutes into class Myles had a freak out and I had to leave. Grrr #3! I made it through dead lifts, shoulders, and bench press before I had to go. I have a goal to get stronger, and hopefully run faster as a result. Teething babies don't care about running goals.