It was really cold when I was running this morning. I never felt that I got really warm though the workout.
I went out to Cottonwood Complex to do some hill work. I warmed up on the 2 mile loop around the hospital. Then, I ran a hill circuit, which included a 500 meter hill (Bessie) and a 300 meter hill to the fence. I ran the 500 m loop, and then jogged around the baseball diamond to the 300 meter hill, sprinted up to the fence, and then ran down along the fenceline and across the park by the picnic area back to the start of Bessie. The entire loop was about a mile. I did 4 sets.
The grass was frosty and slippery, so it was really hard to get much speed going. Next time I do this workout I will time the hills. Today I just went by effort. It was a good strength workout, and I can' t wait to torture the high school kids with it this summer.
I cooled down on the two mile road loop again.
9:15: Zumba class. I have a new, cute zumba outfit! Running shorts kind of look funny in Zumba class.