I was just about to leave for the health club to do my run when I received a call from a friend who wanted to meet up with the kids for lunch. So, that only gave me an hour to get my workout in. I ended up running a couple of miles shorter than I had originally planned, but it was a quality workout.
I wanted to do some tempo running, so I decided 2 x 10 minutes would be a good start. I warmed up 10 minutes and then jumped into my workout. The first interval I started at 10.0 mph, and jumped to 10.1 at the halfway point. Ten seconds before I was finished with the interval, the treadmill jerked to a stop. I felt like I was going to be thrown from the treadmill. After switching treadmills, I ran easy for 5 minutes, and then did my second interval. On the second interval I started at 10.1 mph, and increased every 3 minutes. I finished the last 2 minutes at 10.4 mph. Then, I cooled down until I hit 7 miles. Total time for 7 miles was 45:50. Next time I do this workout, I would like to add one more 10 minute rep. Then I should be ready to put it all together for a 30 minute tempo run.
After my workout, I grabbed my kids from the daycare and headed to McDonalds for a lunch date. (Don't worry, I ate a chicken wrap and a side salad . . . no big macs for me after a tempo run!) Every other mommy in Taylorsville had the same idea. Holiday + snowy weather = a total zoo at McDonalds. I like my own children, but 50 other little monkeys running around the playground was a little much. I especially disliked the one that kept screaming for no reason other than he liked the sound of his voice . . . I should have stayed at the health club and finished 3 more miles!