First 3 miles in 19:44 (6:35s -- First mile in 7:15, putting the remaining 2 miles at a 6:15 pace). Then 2 minutes inactive rest followed by 2.1 miles recovery in 15:31 (7:23s). Then 2.6 miles in 16:06 (6:12s -- Note, this was a steady downhill run with the wind at the back except for the last half mile which was significant uphill with wind in the face). Again 2 minutes inactive rest, followed by 4.2 miles recovery in 30:06 (7:10s -- really strong pace considering I was fighting a strong wind most of the way). Another 2 minute inactive recovery and a good long drink of water. Another pick-up, again mostly downhill, but this one fighting the wind nearly the entire way. 2.05 miles in 12:19 (6:00s). Again a 2 minute inactive recovery. Finished with 1.9 in 13:36 (7:09s). Total run of 15.9 miles in 1:47:23 (6:45s).
Not sure what to make of this run today. A solid quality day, but I didn't think the recovery sections were being done as fast as it appears they were. All my pick-ups were slight to significant downhill with 2 of 3 with the wind and 1 against. I'm surprised I ran 16 miles at an average pace of 7 seconds/mile faster than goal m-race pace. I don't know if this is a good thing, or that it means I may have worked too hard this close to the race. Time shall tell. Another issue is the shoes. I wore my DC Trainers today, quite a bit lighter than my Cumulus, but around mile 9 or 10 my legs began to feel slightly heavy (Could be from the stress of the downhill pick-ups on the quads). This actually went away during my 3rd pick-up. But my concern for 26.2. I know the Cumulus won't cause any problems like this, but they weigh a good bit more. I guess the bottom line is, you can't argue with 6:45s for 16 miles. I'll have to keep thinking about this as Boston approaches. |