Ye ole run to work, run home today. Intended on the way there to do a completely progressive 7 miler getting down into the low 6:00s by the finish but hit it too hard in the 3rd mile. Was forced to stop, rest and then do it again. On the way home I ran with my backpack (5lbs) and hit steady aerobic base miles of 5.45.
To Work Splits: 7.05 miles in 49:11 (6:58s) -- 7:48, 7:05, 6:32, 3:56 (.61 -- 6:26s) [rested and then began with easy pace building quickly back to pace] 7:24, 6:32, 6:09, 3:41 (.43 miles recovery 8:31s)
From Work Splits: Garmin went janky on me and only came up with 5.31 miles, but I've tested this run in the car and with googlemaps multiple times, so I know its 5.45 miles; did it in 42:08 (7:44s) -- 8:16, 8:07 (Garmin was showing some seriously high pace rates in this mile, so I suspect it had troubles here and I think it was more along the lines of a 7:35-7:45 pace), 7:36, 7:47, 7:49, 2:31 (.31 miles @ 7:59s). |