Well, this wasn't exactly how I planned to get my miles in today, but miles nonetheless. Ran 3 miles on the track while Eric was at tennis lessons (Ivan did 2 and Elsa did 1 with me) in 21:07 (7:02s). Then 20 minutes later I ran from my house to the Running Center which is 2.8 miles in 21:23 (7:38s). Hit a viscious headwind for about 3/4ths of a mile and another 1/2 mile. Talked to the guys there for about 15 minutes and headed back in 18:53 (6:45s) really pushed it the last mile. Then did a .65 mile cool down in 5:14 (8:03s).
PM: The boys wanted soda at dinner tonight, so I told them they had to run 2 more miles to get that. So 2 miles (4 times around the block) tonight with the boys. |