It's time for the plan for 2010.
I've got a 3 tier emphasis for the year.
First, and most important is Robie Creek in April. This will be the emphasis of the winter training. I looked forward to the 2007 version this race for about 3 years while living in Chicago. I quickly learned that you can't properly train to run over a mountain while living in a place without even a small hill. 3 years later and I am in mountainous SLC. 2010 will be my revenge.
Second, Squaw Peak 50 miler. I did a 50K this year and enjoyed it. Now it's time to try a real untramarathon. Ben Crozier and I almost ran this thing on a whim back in the 90's. I would have died back than, but I think I can handle it now. This will probably be approached in a noncompetitive manner with me just trying to see if I can put in a nice performance. This is only 7 weeks after the more important robie creek, so training will be limited, but hopefully there will be a lot of overlap.
Third, triathlons. I plan to do a few of these in the summer/fall, but I don't yet know which ones because I still don't have a job. My fellowship in SLC ends in June. Triathlon training will actuall begin after Robie Creek and overlap with Squaw Peak. I've been intrigued by triathlon for a long time, but never got aounf to it until this summer when I decided to join the rest of my family in a sprint triathlon. I did pretty good off of only 6 weeks of swin and bike training and am now hooked. Odds are that by 2011 this will be a triathlon blog rather than a running blog.
I plan to start racing as often as possible this winter as this was something that was missing from 2009 and definately held me back. (only 6 or 7 2009 races). Canyonlands Half is definately on the schedule. Nothing else set in stone yet.
I don't know if I will do a fall marathon or not. If I do it will be for fun off of triathlon training. A late season race would be best, maybe just the local small town marathon. New York is also a consideration or maybe Disney World. Maybe nothing, but I bet the bug will get me. I know I still have a better PR left in me, even it the training is not ideal. |