18 miles in 2:11:15, 7:17/mi, HR 156. Finally, a run where I felt nearly great. After waking up to some aches and pains, they magically disappeared when I started out and my legs wanted to go. I let my body set the pace, keeping it easy, but noticed right off that it was on the fast side of easy. Figured I might pay on the second loop of my normal uphill/downhill circuit, but just went with the flow. Did feel just okay in some middle parts, and got a tickle in my throat at around 12 that nearly forced me to a walk with a cough, but otherwise just fantastic. 1st half in 2:06:02 (7:20/mi), 2nd half in 2:05:13 (7:13/mi).
Asics GT 2120 - 332.65 miles. |