Got up and did an easy mile to warmup and then some light drills and stretching to help wake up the body and the legs. I then started my 12xmiles at what was planned as 15 seconds faster than marathon pace, with 90 seconds recovery. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel, but I told myself if I feel decent and can hit the times, I will do the whole thing. Things worth noting: on the second one I thought my foot was going to flare up again and luckily it didn't, on the 5th and 6th ones my legs started to feel tired, mostly in my quads, on the 7th one I almost was hit by a motorcycle (never had that experience before), and the last one wasn't all out it was still controlled. Splits went as follows: 5:48, 5:44, 5:42, 5:42, 5:42, 5:41, 5:41, 5:38, 5:38, 5:38, 5:36, 5:26. A real nice and easy mile as a cooldown. Mile repeats is probably my favourite workout to do.