Didn't get to bed quite as early as I was hoping to last night, but I was able to wake up fine this morning. I ended up reading my scriptures before running today because I thought the rain might die down a little over those 30 minutes. I don't think it did though. I didn't wear a light or anything reflective, which was probably a little dumb. I mixed it up by running the 3 mile workout loop, then the 6 mile loop. I ended up running half of a mile with the guy I pass all the time, his name is Sterling. He just likes to run, but it was good to meet him. He was huffing pretty good going 7 minute pace though. I had a few 6:20s mixed in today, with the majority of the rest around 6:40. I also learned that it is extremely difficult to see puddles in the dark. I of course was completely soaked by the end of the run. Things felt good though, probably because I find running in the rain energizing. 6:38 average