Mon- Bike 45k. Nice speed. Not too fast, not too slow. Had a big black dog chase me on my bike on some little dirt road. Scared me to death. Evening did an abs video.
Tues- Swim 2k, abs, pt. Those PT guy was making me work hard and those exercises really made my legs sore. I promised my PT that I would do the hard exercises (that I don't like and don't do) 3x this next week.
Wed- Bike 65. We came back at a good pace (28-30kph) My legs were sore from my PT and it was tough to keep up at that speed. The good thing, no bike crashes today. Some of these guys go crazy on the dirt trail detours. Not me, I go slow off road. Then I have to work hard to keep up once we get back on the road.
Thurdsay- Swim 1.5k with a lot of sprints at the end. I must have had something good for breakfast, I did well on the sprints. Afterwards, I did a 2.5 run, then 2.5k walk afterwards. My legs were still so sore from Tuesday PT. I really had to force myself to do my PT exercises, but I did them
Friday- My legs were finally feeling a little better. Did a 5k run.
Saturday- Swim meet ALL DAY. Snuck in an early morning exercise video before I left. It is amazing that mosr of the 10 year old swimmers swim faster than I do. It is really fun to watch some of those little kids go.