My week in review:
mon- swim 2k. I need to start runnning after I swim. The next few weeks, I am taking an Israeli cooking class right after swimming so I won't be able to run after swimmming on Mondy. We make such yummy stuff in that class and the teacher is great.
tues- Helped support a friend on a hunger strike, so I didn't get to exercise. After 5 days they were granted refugee status and will be headed to USA soon.
wed- run7.5k (3 times around the lake). Helped pack emergency kits to hand out to flood victims. SE Asian people get rice, a bottle of fish sauce and curry packets in their emergency 72 hour kits. I think I'll stick with my granola bars.
thurs - swim 2k, bike 3k (heavy downpour, ended early)
fri- boot camp, run 3k. I need to run more after boot camp, even if only a short run.
sat- run 10k (4 times around the lake), during kilo 9 a friend talked me into stopping by the condo building and running up and down 17 flights of stairs. I am paying for that today. Finished with a slow 1/2k swim. Yeah - It was the last day of basketball season and spending endless hours watching my 2 boys playing games on Saturday. It was fun, but I am ready to get my Saturdays back. Late at night, I finally had the time to make cookies.
Sun- I ate too many cookies, I guess I better give the rest away soon. |