Things have been a little crazy around here as of late so I am just glad at this point to be entering my mileage even if I add no fun comments. Last week I survived 5 children under the age of 7 including an 8 month old baby with double ear infections who is very cute, but was only happy if he was sleeping, eating, or held. Needless to say, I have made the determination that I am not cut-out for a large family or perhaps even a family of over 2 children. I am way to OCD and prefer my house clean, organized, quiet, and under control at all times (none of which was happening last week). I was very happy to do it for my sister, who is always helping me out and really needed a getaway with her husband, and overall the kids were actually great even though the baby was slightly high maitnenance, but it was just the sheer numbers or rather the sheer out-numbering. Scott and I ate out every single night without exaggeration (no way I was cooking for 7 after long day alone with all the kids) and everywhere we went people just stared and counted as I had baby on hip, Scott had Izzy on hip, I am holding hand of 4 year old and Scott is holding hands of 2 6 year-olds connected together--3 boys, 2 girls. And since Scott and I look like we are about 24 and 26 respectively, I am sure they were thinking, "Holy crap, have you ever heard of birth control? Seriously people!" I am sure the Utah license plates didn't help the situation as we re-inforced every stereo-type people have ever had about Utah Mormons. Awesome. Anyway, good experience for a week and very glad it isn't my life. AMAZED at women who hold down the fort with large numbers of children. Seriously, they are made out of something different--something much more resilient, less obsessive, more balanced. So proud of myself for getting the runs down (and of the kids for watching Sesame Street everyday for an hour and the baby for napping) and for Scott-champion of the universe--who watched all 5 kids on Saturday so I could do 12 miles (it wasn't the 20 that was scheduled, but hey, sometimes I am sure even Hal has to make exceptions). Anyway, this week Scott is out of town AGAIN for another interview in Utah that is tomorrow morning. This dang job process has been going since January 1 and I am really hoping that this week or next he (a) has a job and (b) we have a moving date. In good news, since he does not yet have a job it is highly unlikely that we will be moving before D.C. so I am getting excited for me and Luzylew to do that together. Well, its 11:00 and I need to go watch some dumb TV and eat some brownies in order to feel that I have accomplished and finished the day off right. Signing off for now. |