Felt much better today/less sore. Not sure if it was the Aleve I took last night or the pound of chocolate marshmallow cookies I consumed by myself at 11:00 p.m. while watching the Bachelor and feeing ridiculosuly self-indulgent for doing so (husband has been gone and/or out of town for almost a week now so I needed a serious go-crazy night---the good news is that you apparently can't die from overdosing on chocholate; the bad news is that there are still 4 more cookies downstairs calling my name). As it is a new month, I am ramping it up from a starting pace of 6.6 to 6.7 (did 6.6 in January, did 6.5 in December), to hopefully help with the speed. Also found out today that I am NOT pregnant (which is a big sigh of relief because I have a marathon in 8 weeks). Silly, I know. But its been seriously stressing me out because I didn't want to miss another marathon 8 weeks out (the EXACT same time I found out I was pregnant with Izzy a few years ago--right after a 17 mile run with Luz; it would have been TOO ironic). Anyway, Scott is coming home late tonight after flying to Utah for job interviews. Hopefully will hear on jobs this week. Hopefully they will NOT want a start date before April 15 or I will have to either (a) miss the D.C. marathon or (b) have to convince my husband to fly me out to D.C. weeks after we spend all of our money moving our stuff across the country AGAIN for the second time in one year. All of these things are not really related to running, but at the same time are all related to running as running is my number one hobby, past-time, focus, and sanity-saver thus all events that might interfere with running and marathons are potential issues that must be considered. |