APs 7:50s (did it in 47 minutes starting at a 7.0 to 7.5 by 5 minutes, then up .1 every 10 minutes). Last mile was 8.0+ .1 every minute finishing strong; maybe a 7:15?
Dragged again this morning. I don't know why I have such a hard time in the early mornings. Not that I get up that early--usually 7:00ish but it takes me until 9 until I feel like I am really awake, then I catch my magical morning wind and feel great. The problem is it takes me 2 hours to get there. Can't figure out if my 7-8 hours of sleep isn't enough, if I need more iron, or if I am just tired from running and training or life in general right now (which is somewhat stressful given the last year's events and the pending move). Getting very excited about D.C. though. Booking hotels today and starting to plan our family trip. Haven't been there since we moved from there when I was probably 9, which would make it about 20 years. Crazy. Think we are going to try and make time to drive by all my old houses and my old elementary school. Excited for my kids to experience it. Luz sent me an email wondering if I wanted to race D.C. rather than just hanging out for it. Can't make up my mind. Looked up Boston times and saw that they weren't half as bad as I was expecting (the new times). This year they are the same (for 2012) but the faster you do it, the sooner you can register, so I would guess most will need to run 10 minutes faster than qualifying to get a seat; in 2013 my time drops to 3:35 but it seems feasible since my PR is 3:29. Then I watched Biggest Loser last night and one of the girls ran a 7.5 for 3 minutes and she is still like 80 pounds over weight. Every time I see stuff like that on the show I think, "How much harder could I push myself if I really pushed?" So today I tried to run fast despite headache lingering from last night on right side of brain. Was proud of my 7:50s. Wanted to save racing for Utah Valley in June but am now toying with the idea of trying to run a marathon like Sasha recommends--hard for 20, then racing the last 6. I always start as fast as I possibly can (like sub 7s for 6 or 7 miles) then start to slow, then slow, then slower and never have a negative split (even on my PR of 3:29 I think my first half was a 1:30, then my last half was almost 2 hours). Wondering if I should try running what would hopefully be comfortable 8:30s at D.C. for the first 20, then ramping it up for the last 6, but maybe I am overestimating my abilities and the only way I could really do that is to run comfortable 9:30s or 10s for the first 20...Anyway, things I am mulling over today. |