BS Rools

Week starting Aug 30, 2009

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2006



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Running Accomplishments:

Stay in the game, keep in the moment - have conquered a few of the holy grails of running - sub 3hr marathon, ran Boston and qualified for Boston at Boston, 10K PR under 6 min miles, won a couple of 5Ks in my early days of running, running for 30 years and ran 39 marathons.  The transistion to the back of the pack has not been easy, but, acceptance, stay in the game, root for others, enjoy the rest of the journey.  Another off the bucket list second =  Provo Half IM -  have done 6 open water Tris and 6 pool Tris.  Gave the STG IM a good Tri, hope to take another shot at the IM.

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2013 Race Plan - STG Half IronMan, Lake Mead Rage Olympic distance, STG spring relay tri, STG half marathon, STG marathon, Cozumel IM, Utah Summer Games Triathlon at Gunlock, Murray 5k with family and Utah Half Distance Triathlon, 187 mile red rock relay,  STG marathon,

*note of clarification - cross training miles from biking and swimming calculated as follows: (as someone may wonder) 20 mile an hour bike = 5 cross training miles (those not familar with a 20 mph pace, good bike effort for long distance,  swimming, convert 1 hour swimming to 5 cross training miles.  For those that do not swim much, great cardio workout.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Enjoy the Swim, Bike Run thru Life - Hope to Run a Few Races Support Sylvie - Be a good coach   - Support Jenna, Jeremy, Taylor and Bonnie - my kids are now into running, who would of thunk it.  long term goals, recover from the ankle sprain, accept was it, have fun racing, mountain biking, faster swimming.


B of BS Rools Recent Reading List - In order of recommended reads.

Once a Runner (John L. Parker, Jr.)  Best fictional running book ever, a must read

Again to Carthage (John L. Parker, Jr.)  The Sequel to Once a Runner, not often a sequel compares, this one does 

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running ( Haruki Murakami)  things we have may all thought, but may never blog

Roughing It - Mark Twain 



BSRools, the B stands for Brent and the S for Sylvie.  The Rools come from my personal running rools over the years: Never complain once the run starts, allways pick up the pace into the wind and always pick up the pace on a hill. If someone whines, pick up the pace.  Once a goal is set, no whining, regardless of setbacks.  We were running when running was not Kool.   Kool comes from a race story, ran my first race, 5K wearing a "beanie that had "Kool Aid Kid"

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Weight: 153.20Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Early morning spinning -  1 hour

8 miles running, it was fairly hot this morning, late start, first 5 miles went well with a good consistent pace, last three miles worked on cadence, the knee started act up, finished with Sylvie yelling "looking good" out the window.   This did not mean I was looking good.   When we were trianing with my step son, Taylor, for STG a few years ago me and him would tell all the runners going the opposite way on the trail looking good.  Two guys passed us looking like he--.   We said looking good to them, Sylvie gave us the business over that one.  Bottom line, looked line he-- at the end, too hot. 

Spinning again for 1 hour and 36 minutes, 

Upper body free weight workout, energy a little drained fromt he cardio, did not max out on reps.  200 crunches.  

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Hard spinning this morning, 1 hr, 24 minutes, good effort. May ride on spin later, hopefully get in some crunches and stretches.  Always fun to read the race reports. 

Fat Head, biggest loser, after watching my diet for a week, ate 3 chocolate chip cookies, giant peice of chocolate cake and ice cream.   I now have to excercise like a fat foolish mad man, biggest loser weigh-in tomorrow.  I cannot be trusted around junk food, don't buy, won't it eat, buy it or free - I will eat more than my share.

200 crunches - 36 minutes spinning, total 2 hours today

Watched a Chi running video that Sylvie bought, interesting. 

Stay Kool, Fat is as Fat does, B of BS Rools out


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Early morning run - Sylvie bought Chi running book, DVD and metronome.   Well, I decided to run with the metronome this morning, kind or irritating, the constant clicking.   I set it for 85 strides, one foot, per minute.  It was a workout keeping on pace.  My pace has slowed with the knee injury, if I need to do a shuffle type stride, my goal is to get back to 90 per minute.  Good workout.  Funny thing, my knee actually feels better after this run with doing a few Chi warmup exercises and trying some of the new form.   Maybe this will allow me run a little faster and long without knee issues.  Hope.   Spinning class tonight and maybe yoga. 

Raccon sighting this morning, family just north of 4800 south, strange creatures in the dark. Upper body circuit weights, 200 crunches - spinning class with Sylvie, good effort. ProBar, great meal replacement, got a deal with the instructor.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Biggest Loser weigh-in = 153.2,  3.2 pounds to goal weight by St.George

Weight: 153.20Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

lite day - spin 1 hour - 200 crunches. 

After work, 36 minutes spinning,  hope to hit 80 miles combo of running and biking this week.  Bike or spinning miles are converted, 20 miles biking equals 5 cross training miles

Stay Kool, go Utes, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Running with a moon shadown, moon shadow - without Cat,  beautiful morning.   Just loving the temps and the moon.  Legs were tired this morning, was going to quit after 4 miles, went another 1.25 just to enjoy the morning.  Just love these mornings.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Took my old commuter bike, cannondale, out for a 50 ride, rather than taking my new road bike on the parkway.  The commutter has bomb proof tires.  Good solid effort staying on the pedals, pressing the pace.   Conver to 12.5 cross training miles.  200 crunches, upper body weights.  My go mountain bike later today. 

Ute Report:  Was Utah state that good or Utah that bad?  Good question, Utah will need to play better to beat SJS next week.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out


Mountain biking, Rose Canyon, fun ride on single track, dusty trail, like riding a roller coaster on the way down. 4 miles, converted to 1 mile cross training.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Early morning sag wagon duties for Sylvie, she ran 20 miles, very nice day for a long run, kooler and a few sprinkles. Devine Miss M sighting - chatted few minutes, nice to meet a blogger totally RAD and Devine.

Rode the spin bike for two hours, nothing special, 300 crunches, mini-taper for the sprint Tri on monday.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Weight: 153.20Calories: 0.00
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