| Location: MURRAY,UT,US Member Since: Jan 01, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: Stay in the game, keep in the moment - have conquered a few of the holy grails of running - sub 3hr marathon, ran Boston and qualified for Boston at Boston, 10K PR under 6 min miles, won a couple of 5Ks in my early days of running, running for 30 years and ran 39 marathons. The transistion to the back of the pack has not been easy, but, acceptance, stay in the game, root for others, enjoy the rest of the journey. Another off the bucket list second = Provo Half IM - have done 6 open water Tris and 6 pool Tris. Gave the STG IM a good Tri, hope to take another shot at the IM. Short-Term Running Goals:  2013 Race Plan - STG Half IronMan, Lake Mead Rage Olympic distance, STG spring relay tri, STG half marathon, STG marathon, Cozumel IM, Utah Summer Games Triathlon at Gunlock, Murray 5k with family and Utah Half Distance Triathlon, 187 mile red rock relay, STG marathon, *note of clarification - cross training miles from biking and swimming calculated as follows: (as someone may wonder) 20 mile an hour bike = 5 cross training miles (those not familar with a 20 mph pace, good bike effort for long distance, swimming, convert 1 hour swimming to 5 cross training miles. For those that do not swim much, great cardio workout. Long-Term Running Goals: Enjoy the Swim, Bike Run thru Life - Hope to Run a Few Races Support Sylvie - Be a good coach  - Support Jenna, Jeremy, Taylor and Bonnie - my kids are now into running, who would of thunk it. long term goals, recover from the ankle sprain, accept was it, have fun racing, mountain biking, faster swimming.
B of BS Rools Recent Reading List - In order of recommended reads.
Once a Runner (John L. Parker, Jr.)Â Best fictional running book ever, a must read
Again to Carthage (John L. Parker, Jr.)  The Sequel to Once a Runner, not often a sequel compares, this one doesÂ
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running ( Haruki Murakami)Â things we have may all thought, but may never blog
Roughing It -Â Mark TwainÂ
 Personal: BSRools, the B stands for Brent and the S for Sylvie.  The Rools come from my personal running rools over the years: Never complain once the run starts, allways pick up the pace into the wind and always pick up the pace on a hill. If someone whines, pick up the pace. Once a goal is set, no whining, regardless of setbacks. We were running when running was not Kool.  Kool comes from a race story, ran my first race, 5K wearing a "beanie that had "Kool Aid Kid" Favorite Blogs: |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
Month: | 0.00 |
Year: | 0.00 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 8.00 | 13.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 43.25 | 64.35 |
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 | |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 | 15.00 |
Brick Morning - Spin 2 hours, moderate effort, 200 crunches - swam 1 mile, time trial for 800 yrds, 9:44, slow but 1:15 faster than two weeks ago. Runners are typically not swimmers, runners tend to be sinkers. I have come to enjoy my two days a week swimming, relaxing hard workout without the pound of the roads. The down side, my limited running keeps me slow as heck. Just nice to still be running.
Aches and Pains - right knee did not feel good after the long run on friday, feels much better today.
Biggest loser, Cal down 5 pounds, Mike down 6, Burt up 1, Brent down 3.8 - no word from HC. Cal, Brent and Mike, if we keep up the pace, should make goal for STG. Burt - hum, what is the answer for Burt, we need ideas - maybe stop and do 20 pushups everytime her passes a lady older than him, 1 pushup for each prairie dog - comeon Burt - motivation.
Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out
Injury note, my Tri coach is out of commission for the rest of the year, back problem, darn -
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.50 | 6.50 |
| Early morning run along the Murray Parkway, cresent moon over venus, pretty sight. If it were not a little chilly this morning, would have loved running thru the sprinklers. About 4:30 a.m. is the water time along the parkway grass areas, the sprinklers always spray on the trail, so, I often get wet.Â
Spin 30 minutes, 200 crunches, 1 set upper body weights - curls, bench, shoulders. Got a great deal on a rental car in Hawaii, 11 day vacation after St.George.
Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out |
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.75 | 10.75 |
1 hour hard spinning, 50 crunches. Spin class tonight, good spin class hill workout, Sylvie road hard, about 10 in the class, one singer alonger (maybe not a word) sounded like a fog horn singing. HC canyon is closed for a fire, hopefully be open for saturday.
Stay Kool, nervous about Hobble, B of BS Rools out |
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.00 |
Easy early morning run, dard mornng, stary nights. I wonder if the Hobble Half will be canceled because of the fire?
Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 7.50 |
90 minutes spinning, 200 crunches, upper body free weights, rode 3 miles with Sylvie while she ran, tapering for Hobble the Hobble. Knee feels better today, spent 30 minutes on hamstring stretches, ITB and wall sqats, seemed to help. What colors to wear on saturday, that is the question? Shall I layout 6 different outfits like Sylvie and ponder over the choice, or, shall I just take the first bottom and top out of drawer as usual. I will likely go with black on black, need pouches to carry supplies in a Tri Jersey.
Sad and a Little Funny - Sylve bought two red camp chairs today so she did not need to sit on the grass while she waited for me, ha, ha.
Stay Kool, Go Utes, B of BS Rools out
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 7.50 |
Early morning, swimming 1/2 mile, slow 26 minutes, then, spinning class, 200 crunches - good effort 20.5 miles speed workout. Taper day for Hobble. Now off to D.I., take some clothes and stuff.
Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out
Picked up our numbers and Runner's Corner, quite a few runners picking up numbers.
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(5) |
| Race: |
Hobble Creek Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 02:02:59, Place overall: 659, Place in age division: 9 | Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 13.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 13.10 |
Nice morning for a race, do doubt, with Gwen, it was going to be hot the last few miles with the late start and not cold up the canyon.
PreRace Stuff and Plan: As my first post knee surgery half marathon was the SLC half, 2:31, wanted to do a little better today. My thoughts, hold 9 min miles for as long as possible, then hang on pace to the end. Changed pre-race routine, normally, have a protien bar and a banana. Today, had a chocolate protein shake and a sobe before the start. My energy level seemed up today. Maybe stick with this routine. Syvlie is always low key before the race, cannot get her to talk about the race, never know what she is thinking. As this is the last year for Sylvie in her division, did not expect her to place in her division. ( I was wrong)
PreStart: Looked for runners I knew, talked to Queen Josse for a couple of minutes, recogized no other runners. We made about 5 potty stops a mingled around for almost 90 minutes before the start. The start at Hobble is always late. Normally, I will line up in the first 5 o 6 rows, today, told Sylvie I was going to line up about 2/3rds back and kissed her for good luck.
The start: First time Hobble has had chip timing, good thing, runners seemed to be less inclined to crowd towards the front, reduced slower runners, like me, crowding towards the front. Starting 2/3rds back, does cost time, even with chip timing, lost about 30 seconds to stop and go, weaving, etc., the first 2 miles. Runners were great back in the pack, chitty chatty Cathies about boy friends, kids, etc., not about running.
Mile 2: 7 seconds over 9 minute mile pace, picked up the pace the next mile to get back on 9 minute miles, mile 4, 22 seconds to the good of 9 min miles.
Mile 3 thru 8, runners were great, course was warming up, no specific issues, only runners stopping for nature calls. Mile 8, 22 seconds over 9 minute miles
Mile 9: 1:22, 1 minute over goal pace, started thinking about survival mode. Now, realizing I have not ran 9 minutes miles for more than a 5K this year, was in the danger zone.
Mile 10: The wheels start coming off up the "big" hill. Call it big only because it is the biggest on the course. The only time walked, walked 12 steps up the hill and kept moving. *Note, about mile 8, started the hip hop with runners ahead of me. Positive road kill to the end, 32 with 2 runners passing and passing 34. Hip Hop: Runners stop and walk, I pass them, they pass me back, etc. until they can no longer hang on to pass me back. Survial mode starts at 10.5, back off into get to the finish mode.
Mile 11 thru the sub-division, passing runners like heck stopping for water and rest breaks.
Mile 12: can feel the finish coming, caught a young lady, her goal was to break 11 minute miles, said she was not going to stop, told her to hang on to me, dropped her at 12. 5 and started my kick to the finish, passed 5 runners on the grass to the finish.
Summary, went into survival mode too soon, did not trust my cross training as an measure of fitness for running, may have knocked off a couple more minutes. Very good lessons learned, hard effort, very happy with the effort level, hanging onto the pace. Surprised Sylvie with my time.
Sylive, has a blog, does not often blog - she is gutsy, ran a 1:50,. took second in her division and moves to the 55 to 59 division in a couple of weeks, just in time for St.George, she has a good shot at placing at STG.
Straley brothers, running buddies, seen them at the awards, took 1st and 2nd in their respective divisions, great grand master runners.
Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out |
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 |
| Comments(13) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 8.00 | 13.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 43.25 | 64.35 |
Weight: 0.00 | Calories: 0.00 | |
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