BS Rools

Week starting Jul 11, 2010

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2006



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Running Accomplishments:

Stay in the game, keep in the moment - have conquered a few of the holy grails of running - sub 3hr marathon, ran Boston and qualified for Boston at Boston, 10K PR under 6 min miles, won a couple of 5Ks in my early days of running, running for 30 years and ran 39 marathons.  The transistion to the back of the pack has not been easy, but, acceptance, stay in the game, root for others, enjoy the rest of the journey.  Another off the bucket list second =  Provo Half IM -  have done 6 open water Tris and 6 pool Tris.  Gave the STG IM a good Tri, hope to take another shot at the IM.

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2013 Race Plan - STG Half IronMan, Lake Mead Rage Olympic distance, STG spring relay tri, STG half marathon, STG marathon, Cozumel IM, Utah Summer Games Triathlon at Gunlock, Murray 5k with family and Utah Half Distance Triathlon, 187 mile red rock relay,  STG marathon,

*note of clarification - cross training miles from biking and swimming calculated as follows: (as someone may wonder) 20 mile an hour bike = 5 cross training miles (those not familar with a 20 mph pace, good bike effort for long distance,  swimming, convert 1 hour swimming to 5 cross training miles.  For those that do not swim much, great cardio workout.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Enjoy the Swim, Bike Run thru Life - Hope to Run a Few Races Support Sylvie - Be a good coach   - Support Jenna, Jeremy, Taylor and Bonnie - my kids are now into running, who would of thunk it.  long term goals, recover from the ankle sprain, accept was it, have fun racing, mountain biking, faster swimming.


B of BS Rools Recent Reading List - In order of recommended reads.

Once a Runner (John L. Parker, Jr.)  Best fictional running book ever, a must read

Again to Carthage (John L. Parker, Jr.)  The Sequel to Once a Runner, not often a sequel compares, this one does 

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running ( Haruki Murakami)  things we have may all thought, but may never blog

Roughing It - Mark Twain 



BSRools, the B stands for Brent and the S for Sylvie.  The Rools come from my personal running rools over the years: Never complain once the run starts, allways pick up the pace into the wind and always pick up the pace on a hill. If someone whines, pick up the pace.  Once a goal is set, no whining, regardless of setbacks.  We were running when running was not Kool.   Kool comes from a race story, ran my first race, 5K wearing a "beanie that had "Kool Aid Kid"

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Spinning, 40 miles watching the Tour De France, too bad for Lance.  My training has been stagnent.  My goal in the next couple days is to take a new training direction, maybe more swimming for cardio, longer bike rides,  maybe shorter runs -but more up tempo. 

I don't know at this point, the inability to run 50 to 70 weeks has kinda put me in a mental funk.  I realized yesterday, difficult to be happly plodding along at 9 min miles, maybe being in better shape will take the stink out of the slow pace.   Another side of running I really miss, I now do all my runs solo, Sylvie's pace is faster, all my old running buddies have a faster pace, many have offered to slow the pace and run with me, but, I would not want to have any part of any run that would hinder a workout of another.   Mike asked me a couple weeks ago about biking, well, the big reason I enjoy being, can ride along without the feeling of holding anyone back.  

Free weights, curls, bench, side lifts, pulls - 200 ball crunches with over head weight pulls. 

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

JRP, north to 45th south and home - Early, 4:10 a.m. out the door, very nice morning for a run, love those early summer time runs, took a different approach to running this morning, practiced fast short steps for leg turnover.  I have a race walking friend (Colleen), now runner, who has the fastest leg turnover in the west.  The fast leg turnover works for her with knee problems.  I was surprised that my pace was about the same as my normal stride without as much impact.  The down side, it will take some time and practice to keep this turnover going for a marathon.  

Spin, bike or swim after work. Spin 20 miles

Stay kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5 a.m, swim,  23 laps,  23 lengths free and 23 backstroke, the free is eating my lunch,  1150 yrds - bike 28 miles after work, good effort.  Still on track for week goal of 70 converted and running miles total for the week.   3.75 converted cross training miles for swimming and 7 for biking.  Free weights, bench press, curls, etc.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Very nice early morning run, leg turnover practice, good run.  When crossing over the river bridge at 4800, three muskrats on the bridge, irrating little creatures, they did not move, just ran by them.  I have done two a days everyday this week and will bike ride 20 miles after work.   I now have a concern about long runs / workouts. 

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Spin, spin and spin,  48 miles, average effort, saving the legs for run and swim tomorrow.  Missed my two a day yesterday, had to watch my grandson for several hours while my daughter was at the hospital, false alarm and the arrival of the new grandson, hopefully she will go full term, still almost 7 weeks left.  Tristan was a blast, he is  real goer.

Overhead press, chest press, free weights.  


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Early morning run, easy pace, nice morning, see a fox with a duck it it's jaws.  I had thought the foxes had moved off the parkway, no Muskrat love this mornng, followed the run up with a 20 mile bike ride, moderate effort.  My body is a little tired from bumping up my workouts this week, need a combination of 11 miles tomorrow to hit a 70 mile combo week.   Makes it tough to hit a combo, only count 5 miles on a 20 mile bike ride, and 5 miles running for 1 mile swimming, this equates the the approximate cardio time for running 5 miles.  Although, swimming is more of a cardio workout that running at my pace.   Anyway, need about 10 of these weeks in a row to get ready for the cardio effort at SGM. 

Stay kool, b of bsRools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Humid run, some fun, ran with Sylvie and Roxie, south a couple of miles, chatted with T NA NA and Riverton Paul for a minute, nice to meet Teena.  Darn if I can remember that name of the other lady runner, takes me several times to get the name, nice person.  This is the first time I have ran with Sylvie and Roxie for about a month, was surprised to have good legs after a tough week of training, actually pushed Sylvie the last few miles.  One note, took Hydraplenish yesterday, seems to make a difference for the knee.   16 bike ride, moderate effort, yea, 70 mile combo week, first time this year.  

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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