THOR running: Not fast..but I pound the pavement!

Week starting Dec 16, 2007

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Member Since:

Dec 04, 2007



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

  • Finished - 2006 Pinehurst Turkey Trot 1/2 marathon(approx. 2 hours 29 min.)
  • Finished - 2007 ING Georgia 1/2 marathon(approx. 2 hours 22 min.) - without walking.
  • Finished - 2007 Pinehurst Turkey Trot 1/2 marathon(approx. 2 hours 6 min.).
  • Finished ING Georgia Marathon March 2008
  • Finished ING Georgia Marathon March 2009
  • Finished ING Chicago Marathon October 2009 

Short-Term Running Goals:

  • Finish full Marathon - Completed March 2008
  • Run ING 2009 Marathon - Completed March 2009
  • Run Chicago Marathon - Completed October 2009
  • Run Charlote Douglas Airport 5K with family October 2009
  • Run the Disney Marathon January 2010

Long-Term Running Goals:

  • Qualify for and Run the Boston Marathon.
  • Train for and Finish an Iron Man



  • Married- going on 13 years.
  • 2 kids: 6.5 yrs old and 4 yrs old.

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Ok first day back after my Sunday day of rest.  Felt good to get back out pounding the pavement.  Although I could feel the tightness in my legs for most of the run.  I split my 6 miles up today, 3 miles in the morning...woke up late :-(  and 3 miles at the gym during lunch.  The weather has started to act normal as it has began to actually get cold.. imagine that in December?  When I have my gloves on, skull cap and enough layers the temperature does not bother me, although I do feel like a penguin or something waddling!!  I am NOT complaining however, I have read some other blogs and up north they are running in snow... so we are no where near that! :-)

The morning run was ok but the lunch run felt great.  About what I expected after taking a day off!

Other notes:

Gym: Did upper body - 2 set of 10 with 225lbs, 1 set of 7 with 245lbs, 1 set of 3 with 265lbs... then a host of other chest exercises.

Food: Breakfast - Oatmeal, Coffee, Grapefruit  Mid-morning Protein shake, Lunch protein bar, mid day protein shake, lunch rice/sausage combo, cake, cookies, ice-cream. 

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Today got up on time and got in my full 6 miles.  It was about mid 20's but I was wrapped up really good so I never got cold.  It is actually refreshing to breath the cold air!!  For Christmas I am going to get me a watch so I can record my actual time... so far I just glance at the clock as I walk out the house and glance again when I come back in. 

The 6 miles felt really good and I actually was prepairing to do 2 more but could not spare the time.  I'm thinking that I may try to get in an additional 3 miles today at the gym.

Went to the doctor this morning for my 5 year physical (i.e. I only go once every 5 years).  My wife.. who is a practictioner AND works at the doctors office AND set up my appointment had them do pretty much every possible test I think they are legally allowed to do! :-)  It was not fun but hey... now I am good to go for another 5 YEARS!!!  :-)    P.S. Note for other bloggers...I only go every 5 years because my wife is a I tell her.. "Hey we did not pay for all of those years of college for nothing.... if I am broke, I figure you can fix me just as good as anyone else.. ha!"  So I do not recommend that you take going to the doc every 5 years as sound behavior!

Breakfast: Grapefruit.. Mid morning: Coffee and orange, almonds.. protein shake...

 To be continued... about to head out to the gym shortly.. will work my arms today (Tri's and Bi's).!!  Stay tuned....

Update: Went to the gym and had a really good tri/bi workout, I like to work my arms although I do not want them to get too big... just enough to look like I lift weights :-).  Also, I actually snuck in some sit-ups too which I am always pleased with! Ok onto the important item my run... I was able to get in 3 miles...  in 25 min 31 sec. approx. an 8.5 min mile which for me was SMOKING!!!  This included my warm up (approx. 0.5 mile at a 10 min mile pace).  The first 1.5 miles I was questioning if I could make it but then about at the 1.65 mile point I started feeling pretty good... so I picked up the pace and pushed hard especially when I got to about 2.5 miles and knew I was going to finish! 

Lunch: Grapefruit, Protein bar  

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Morning run went very well.  Not exactly sure of the temperature but after the first three miles I laid my gloves on the side of the road (picked them up on the second lap).  Would have ditched my jacket too although I would have had to unstrap my MP3 player... too much trouble.  The first 1.5 miles I felt old... small aches associated with warming up.  After getting warmed up I felt really good!  I stopped at 6 but only because of time, I hope to get a couple more miles in today at the gym. Although wednesday is the day I do my leg workout sooooo we will see what I am made of.  I am going to modify my workout to do sets of 15-20 reps vs. my old routine of sets of 10.  Hopefully this will help to continue to build my endurance!  Still have not decided if I am going to lift first or run first.  Obviously the first one will be easier, i.e. if I lift first my legs will feel like spagetti during my run! and vice versa.

I can definitely notice improvements in my runs now... not so much in my basic pace... however, I can keep the same pace when going up the hills in my neighborhood without slowing down.  Sometimes it feels like I am dreaming when I realize that I am actually running up a hill (i.e not slowing down and taking smaller steps and huffing and puffing.. feeling like the little engine that could).  My neighborhood is tough to run but I feel it will make me a stronger runner by continuing to train in it.  Over the 3 mile stretch (one lap around) there are about 5 steady/gradual inclines that probably all total up to about 1.5 miles.. the other sections are gradual declines (almost no flat spots).  The inclines are long enough and steep enough to make you seriously consider walking (definitely will think about walking them on the long runs and ... especially when I first started) and the declines are similar and not very steep but are definitely welcomed after getting over the incline.  I am finding however that now I can crank through the inclines pretty good without loosing any of my pace. 

Breakfast: Oatmeal, coffee, protein shake (right after run), orange, about 10 almonds.

Stay tuned... more to come after lunch!!


Went to the gym: Good news... my run went very well coverd 3 miles in 23 min 40 seconds.. slightly faster than yesterday.  Ran the last 0.5 mile at a 10.0 treadmill pace.  Felt really really good!!   

Bad news... after my run I tried lifting and after my first couple of excercises I was beat.  I will cover the rest tomorrow (i.e. squats!!)


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Addicted!  I believe somehow I have become addicted to this blog..... is there such thing a bloggers ananamous?  If so I may need it.  I find that for some crazy reason I am holding myself accountable to my daily updates.  For example, if I think about sleeping in... I realize I will have to type it and think.. naahhhh I don't want to type it... I better get up an run.

Ok enough about that...

Today I pushed... maybe a little too hard in retrospect... but now that it is over it feels really good!  I did my normal 6 miles this morning.  Then today at lunch I did the high intensity spin class (35 min - got there a little late), and finally wrapped up with 3 miles on the treadmill.  No record pace or anything; but I did get to the point where my legs felt like spagetti!  :-)  I probably reached that point around mile 1.25 but was happy I was able to push for another 1.75 on the treadmill.  In my first marathon, at that point I stopped running and opted to walk.  I know I will reach it when I run my full marathon and want to be physically and mentally ready to push through it.  The next two days will be quite a challenge... stay tuned!


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Wow this morning was about the worst ran I have had in a while!  I got my 6 miles in but it was definitely 6 the hard way!  Started of great but then after about a half a mile my body felt like it wanted to get back in bed.  To make matters worse, it was raining!  I serously contemplated NOT running but after reading other blogs where people up north run in the snow and ice, I would not feel comfortable stating I did not run in 45*F temp due to rain.  I pushed and pushed along and finished... not very strong but I did indeed finish. 

Couple of thoughts I have questions about...

1. Breathing... should you focus on breathing through your nose or mouth.  I have heard you build up your lungs more and get more oxygen breathing through your nose but it is very difficult to execute.

2. What the heck to you do with your hands?  I feel better with them relaxed but they tend to flop around so I have to tense them back up. 

Ok that's it for now... I am off to the gym to log my last 3 for today.  I have to run errands (shop for CHRISTmas) after that so I have added my 3 miles into my total already!  Not sure what tomorrow will hold... I was hoping to get a LONG run in but push comes to shove I may just hobble around for my 6 and call it a week (as I take Sundays off for rest).  Personally I am going to try and get 9-12 miles in... even if I have to walk!  If I feel like I felt this morning, however then I will throw in the towel at 6. 



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Today was a bad day... was supposed to get in my long run but just could not push.  I typically run with a lot of cloths on because of the temp (cold natured).  So I think I am going to have to look at finding a way to rehydrate on the course.

I did however go to the running store today and purchased a pair of new shoes.  I did the complete analysis (i.e. recorded my stride on a treadmill), tried and recorded at least 5 different pair until we found some asics that felt awesome and looked great as well on video.  I am excited to start running in them although tomorrow is Sunday so I get a chance to rest.

A little dissapointed that I did not get to cross the 50 mile / week point this week. That would have been a great milestone but hey... I feel good about checking that box next week.

Lastly I am starting to look at running watches.. my current interest are the NIKE+IPOD and the Garmin 305.  I love technology and both of these are filled with it!  Gotta do some research and gather more info...  may can finagle it for my upcoming birthday!

Until next week!!

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