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Member Since:

Aug 30, 2007



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:


5K: 21:26 (2005)

4 mile: 28:10 (2005)

10K: 43:33 (2010)

10 mile: 1:13:35 (2009) (1:12:15 split in 1/2 marathon, 2011)

1/2 marathon: 1:34:31 (2011)

marathon: 3:19:15 (2013)

Short-Term Running Goals:


3:20 marathon - Eugene Marathon, April 28, 2013 (can I say I really want a sub 3:20? but I will be happy with 3:20-3:23) -- whoohoo!

Some good intermediate races 15K - 1/2 marathon, to gauge my fitness level (done this, hit a 1:34:35 1/2 marathon in March 2013, on a hilly course)

Going after my 10 mile PR in Fall 2013

Maybe some good 10K races after the infernal Arizona summer is over! 

Long-Term Running Goals:

I want to be one of those runners who is still running in their 80s (or 90s?).  You know the ones, who look all grisley and fit?  That is what I would like!  Until then, I just want to work hard and be as fast as I can, for as long as I can.


50 year old, trying to defy gravity and time

Used to be faculty at the University of Arizona (biostatistics).  Currently manager of the statistics and data management group for companion diagnostics (biomarkers) at Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Roche diagnostics).  We evaluate protein biomarkers that can be used to direct drug therapy that would be most effective based on individual characteristics (personalized medicine).

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1:48:43.  Ran at Jeremy Ranch Road.  Did not actually keep track of my out versus back time because I ran with my friend Anna.  She was running 20 today and started at Big Canyon somewhere and ran to Jeremy Ranch Road from there - we met up 3.7 miles into her run (4.5 miles into mine).  I turned around at the 4.5 mile mark to run with her to the beginning of the road (where we had brought her some water) and then she and ran back out, me to the 1.5 mile mark (she ran a little further without me) and then back to the car (to make it 12 for me, and 12 for her - though she had 8 to go to get back to her car).  It was really nice to have company on this run - it was much easier with someone to talk to!  This was the easiest Jeremy Ranch Road run I have ever had!

Next week is going to be starting a new phase of training - and it should be interesting as I will be increasing volume slightly, and intensity too.

Happy Labor Day weekend bloggers. 

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

AM: (1:11:50, 8 miles). Ran from my office to Wasatch Drive to just about 2100 S and back. Felt really good for most of the run (some of the hills felt tough, but mainly because I have not run them for a while).

I am pre-blogging my PM run because I am waaaaaay busy today (most of the week actually).

PM: (4.5 miles, 40:06). 3 laps on the inside grass loop, couldn't see the last lap -- it was DARK!  I was lucky I did not trip over a tree trunk.

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1:14:56, actually 8+ miles (more than 8, but who knows how much ...).  Weird run, I did not feel bad, and cardiovascularly I felt pretty good, and my legs did not feel "dead" -- but they were tired.  I ran a little harder last night than I had wanted to -- but I did not get started on my run until 8PM and it was dark by the time I finished ... I just sped up because I wanted to be done.

Happy Wednesday bloggers 

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AM: (8.5 hilly with a 4 mile steady state run, 1:10:52).  Whew.  Learned a lot this morning.  First of all, I don't remember what steady state effort feels like, and second, if I run a steady state run at Sugarhouse Park I better be ready to respect the hills or hurt the last mile.  I think I actually ran harder than I was supposed to, not intentionally, but it is how it worked out.  My goal was to run 6 x 1.4 mile laps on the road at Sugarhouse (+ the bit in the parking lot which I think is pretty close to a tenth of a mile).  The first 3 were supposed to be super easy and then I expected to run the last 3 at somewhere between 7:45 and 8:00 pace (usual steady state pace for me is 7:35 - 7:50, but this was hilly so I adjusted for it and altitude).

Actual splits:  12:22 (8:50 pace, good), 11:46 (8:24 pace, a little faster than I wanted), 11:47 (8:25 pace, ok maybe it is ok), 10:56 (7:48 pace, hmmm I can ease up a little), 10:43 (7:39 pace, holy cow what is going on), 10:30 (7:30 pace, ouch ... I had no idea).

Pretty interesting.  Technically, I goofed up this run by running too hard (especially because I am running tonight again).  I knew it when I saw my first lap split - this pace is supposed to be what I can "fairly easily" run for an hour -- there is no way I could have held on to this pace for another 25 mins - at least not on this course.  But, it was pretty cool.  We'll see how cool I think it is when I am dragging myself around this evening and tomorrow ;-).

Preblogging for the usual time constraints:

PM: (4 miles). Liberty Park on the grass, really slow.

Easy MilesThreshold MilesMarathon Pace MilesTrack speed mileageHill mileageTotal

1:07:52.  Slow recovery run up Virginia to City Creek and back ... uphills were hard, downhills were great ;-).  Not as bad as I worried it would be ...


Happy Friday bloggers!  Good luck at the races this weekend!

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AM: (42:18, 4.5 miles).  Easy to Liberty Park + one lap on the grass and home.  I am working today, so I will run on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail tonight for my PM run.


PM:(3.5 miles)

I hope everyone did great in their races today!!  Happy weekend!

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