AM: (8 miles, 1:14:44 (37:59/36:44)). Much better today than yesterday. Not bad for my highest mileage week ever. I have a 22 mile run tomorrow - I am in completely unchartered territory here ... I am pre-blogging, I have to go to work for a few hours and then clean house. My Mom is coming next week and I never have time to do anything besides make my bed and wash dishes during the week. PM: (4.5 miles, 41:38). My favorite run -- and I haven't done it for over 2 weeks! Lot's of coyote poop tonight - but no actual coyote sightings. It rained on me both this morning and this evening - once the sun went down tonight I was happy I had my gloves. The most amazing thing was that near the end of my run the cloud cover moved from the mountains and I got to see the snow that had fallen during the night and the day today. Last snow of the year I assume. It was very pretty. My Nike Free's that I have had for the past 6 years finally went to shoe heaven. This evening I broke in my very new Nike Free 7.0's -- they are very cool ;-) 
Happy Easter everyone. |