AM: (8.5 miles, 1:14:55 39:32/35:23). Started snowing last night just as we got into town, it was beautiful. Woke up and it was 11F, so I waited until 10 to start my run, the sun had helped with much of the ice and it was a much more balmy 17F ;-). A little slippery in town, but most of the trail I was running on was dirt, so it was manageable. Much more difficult as I climbed into the mountains -- it was steep (and hard because of the 8000ft, I was huffing and puffing and sliding all around). There were several cross-country ski tracks and a few other runners had already run on the trail, so I did not get lost ;-). PM:(3.5 miles). It was much much colder this evening, but I was so thankful to be running that I lost track of time (and it was hard to get to my watch with my gloves a sleeves pulled down ;-)