~45 mins + 1:05 pool running in my new "aqua running shoes" - supposedly they increase water resistance by 20-30% ... it was a little harder, but not "that" much different. I have been a good semi-injured runner - I have been wearing my orthotics (not when I run) all week (which means I had to wear real shoes and not my birkenstocks ...), so far so good, I guess. I don't feel any different, but I have only had a slight "twinge" of the old pain so I guess it could be working. It has been about a year-and-a-half since I wrote this on my blog, but I since I had another basal cell carcinoma removed today I will say it again: wear your sunscreen bloggers. Even though this one was not actually on a "sun-exposed" part of my body, I still think that prevention is important, so I just want to remind you all. (if you saw how ugly the scars are after they remove these little buggers it might inspire you even more ;-)).