1:32:32. Thirds progression run. First 30` easy, second 30` medium and 30` medium to hard. My legs were SOOOO tight and unhappy at the beginning of this run. But, I was committed to getting a good workout. The defnition for a good workout was to get progressively faster without it being a struggle at all ... So, I decided to take a different tack from the last time I ran this workout ... I went by feel and just tried to increase the pace slowly from mile to mile. It worked out pretty well!! I did have to slow down my pace during the last third, I started speeding up more than I was supposed to (I was supposed to keep my hard portion no faster than 7:36 pace). I did not have mile markers on all of the course, and some of these miles have an overlap between thirds. 1:50, 9:45 (slightly longer than a mile because I was running on the trail and the marker is on the bike path), 9:07, 8:50, 8:25, 22:00 (2 1/2 miles - ave 8:00), 7:58, 7:41, 7:51, 7:53, 1:46.
Felt really good at the end, could have run more!
One problem that I have had this week in particular, but it has been going on for a couple of weeks now, is related to caloric intake. As my mileage has gone up I know I need to take in more calories, but when I sit down to eat I am just not that hungry. It is not uncommon for me to not really want to eat on my hard workout days, but usually I make up for it the next day (when I am pretty hungry) - but the past two weeks have not been like that, I just don't really have an "appetite" when I sit down to eat. Even weirder, yesterday, for the first time in 17 years - 17 years!! - I thought about a hamburger! wow. It freaked me out. So much so I ate a huge bowl of spinach last night (thinking I was low on iron or something). I do feel better today (and was hungry this morning, finally - I think it was because this was not really as hard of a run as most of my Sunday runs are) -- so I hope it was just a fluke occurence. Is anyone else out there a vegetarian that sometimes feels the need to increase either protein or vitamins in their diet? has the need manifested itself in a lack of appetite?
Happy Sunday bloggers. |