Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support. My mom just left to go to the hospital down in Albany (hour south of my house) to hopefully get the good news to bring my dad home. He had surgery for his heart for a defribrilator because they think he has some kind of irregular heartbeat that's congenital. He had a weak heart valve which they say will need to be repaired in a subsequent surgery sometime in the coming year :-, but the good news is that my dad gets to come home and rest today. Everything went really well and they say that the irregular heartbeat should be fixed. My dad just disclosed the other night before going to the hospital that it wasnt a "sore achilles" that had kept him from running the last year, but the heart. I'm just glad it's better now. So I also updated my blogging to hopefully be more accurate. Now it includes marathon and vo2 max miles, as opposed to just the easy/fast miles. I think I need a refresher, because I know the terms but just not the exact qualifiers for each kind of entry. As far as I know: Marathon = +1:30 per mile or so from your 5k race pace? Threshold = steady pace you could hold for an hour but not easy (+45 secs on 5k pace?) V02 Max = ~90 to 95% maximum sustained effort? 8:00 AM - wanted to get in a run before work today (10am to 7pm :( yuck!). And, as I have 5 finals next week, I really need to get cracking the books! It's crazy that I'm graduating a week from Saturday!! Did 6.5 miles First 4 miles - 30:00 7:30 pace (this is now I think my "easy" pace) as I do a lot of miles per week at this level. Last 2.5 miles - 17:15 6:54 pace (would these now be "threshhold" miles? or marathon? I know I'm supposedly gunning for ~3 hours in the next marathon, which I think is about this pace, correct? I felt so relaxed running them, but since I have never tried holding that pace for a super long time, I don't know how that would work?) Total Mileage: 6.5 miles Total Time: 47:15 7:00 PM - Got home from work finally and got to see my dad. He looks good and feels alright. He's going to go sleep for a bit more after not getting much rest, understandably yesterday. Did an easy 2.25 miles and have since adjusted miles for the day based on Michelle's comments. Really had to struggle hard to hold back. It's unbelievable to believe that 8:00minute pace feels unbearably slow! I need to get more consistent in training and schedule it out so I know what I am going to be running each day and at what speed. I want to set a record or something for the biggest PR possible for the marathon! Total Evening Mileage: 2.25 Total Time: 18:00 Pace: 8:00 / mile