10 AM Race Time Weather was gorgeous today in the upper 40's and sunny at gun time. Did a mile warm up and got to the starting line with about 150 or 200 others. A very low key race - funny that instead of a t shirt they gave us Mudslinger 5 Keychains. [I would have preferred a t-shirt, but beggars can't be choosers!] The gun went off and we were away. Mile 1 - 7:00 Cruised with Jonn felt really good, tucked in behind the number one woman. Mainly flat, some undulation, nothing major. Mile 2 - 13:59 Stayed consistent and maintained my place. Felt good and confident winding through the trails. Mile 3 - 21:00 Couldn't believe it was this easy? 7:00 mile pace? me?! Mile 4 - 29:02 Reality hit in that this was a hard course. There was one hill where all five of us that had been running together had to walk up it. Mile 4 was when I lost touch with Jonn. Until then had been holding steady 20-30m behind him. Mile 5 - slogged it up to the finish line, finishing strong in 36:47. Overall I can't say that I'm discouraged with my finish, as the best 5 mile I've done recently was a 37:30 on the treadmill. So I felt pretty good. Jonn finished better in 35:13, but I'm determined to get him in the 15k Stockadeathon next Sunday the 11th. 36:47 - 7:21 / mile pace overall - PHENOMENAL given the course. So proud of myself! Still room for improvement though! one mile cool down. Overall place: 24th of 135 finishers. (side note: Jonn got 15th) PM Ran on the treadmill around 9pm tonight just as a relaxer and study break. Did 2.55 miles in 22:00 I think about 8:34-8:40 pace. Legs aren't sore at all from the race. :)