9:00 AM - Went for an easy run on the treadmill. Was nice because right as I was finishing my cutie called me which made me happy :) Just today, Wed. and Thurs to get through, and then I get to see her on Friday! Yay! Total Mileage: 6 Miles Total Time: 49:16 Average Pace: 8:12 Good. Nice and easy. I wanted to stay in the 8 to 8:30 range today and truly learn more about running at an "easy" pace on easy days. I think I have been overtraining a bit, and running a little faster than I should be, as I guess Sasha pointed out to me. Off to work 11am to 8pm. Hopefully home to do a couple miles to put me at 8 for the day. Then cramming all night for final exams! 8:30 PM - Long day at work. Came home and still felt pretty good, so hopped on the treadmill and did another 2.52 miles in 21:00 minutes. Average Pace of 8:20. Felt really good and relaxed. Ironically was reading an article that stressed that many people run too hard on easy days, so I am going to concentrate on running conservatively pace wise, and allowing myself to go a little harder on the long days, to get my body used to the feel of running faster longer. I hope this isn't a sign my body wants to quit... slept through 4 different alarms this morning and when I finally did wake up I felt like blah. I don't really feel like running before having to go into work 11am to 8pm. I don't know what to do! I mean I know I can deal with a day off here and there, but I've been doing so well, and I know I have a lot of stuff to do this week... finals tomorrow and thursday and then graduation on saturday. What would you all do? Maybe I'll try to hop on the treadmill tonight for an easy couple miles. :-