5:00 PM - Man was the commute today horrible! While we had about 2-3 inches of snow up at the house, as I drove south to Albany, I became aware of the fine line the storm carved. One minute it was all white and pristine, the next, slick, icy and a driver's worst nightmare. I counted no fewer than four car accidents on my 45 minute commute! All the local schools in Albany were cancelled (all two DOZEN OF THEM!), but our college won't close as it was the official last day of classes for the semester - blah! But I guess it was good, because I got to celebrate my last official day of classes as an UNDERGRAD! woot! Handed in two finals as well so I guess that's a good thing! Next up: Two finals on Wednesday back to back in my history classes and a Sociology final on Thursday. Then GRADUATION ON SATURDAY! Friday is the best day of all though: after having a crappy dentist appointment I get to come home and wait to see my EMMY who is driving out for the weekend to see my graduation and what not! I am so excited! Haven't seen her since Turkey Day!! That girl is so amazing it's crazy! I think I might set a world record for longest hug when I see her :-D! So about the run.... I thought my legs were hurting.. which they are if I bend down or squat or whatever. So I started off slow, but quickly found my legs had a lot to give. I tried my hardest to hold back, but ended up still cruising fairly quick. It's so hard having to run on the treadmill and not outside, especially on school days where I'm gone from the house from 6 am to 5pm!!!! DURING ALL THE DAYLIGHT HOURS! grrrr frustrating! So I set the treadmill at 1.5% incline and set off. First two miles were 8:00 to 8:20 and then they got quicker. Legs felt pretty good actually. Only complaint was I got overheated running inside. I really should see if I can't rig up the treadmill to run in the garage so I can run outside in the cold! Total Mileage: 6.2 Miles Total Time: 48:00 Average Pace: 7:44 (a bit too fast for a "recovery" day, huh?) but I'm getting better at pacing. I'm determined to try and log some slower miles or something! Or maybe on the next long run I'll hold back and just hit 8's or something. I don't know. It just feels really good to be in such great shape, as I am still twenty pounds heavier the last time I was even close to this fitness level. And that PR yesterday is still keeping a smile on my face :)!! Call me stupid, or anal retentive, but saw I was at 19.81 miles for the week so far, and it just didn't sit right, so went and did a barefoot quarter mile on the treadmill at 7:40 pace! :) Felt better to push me just high enough to sleep well tonight. Now back to studying I go!