2:00 PM - Decided that my weekend was over when Emmy left to go back to school. So before conquering loads of homework I thought going for a run would be a good idea. Just wanted to go nice and steady. Ended up going 7.5 miles @ 7:30 per mile pace. No soreness and surprisingly no slothness from all that food I ate this weekend. Still pumped over my awesome 10k PR on Thursday! Looking forward to next Sunday, 12/2 - where I get the choice of doing a 15k or 3.5 miler for the Winter Series Race #1 of 5. I think I'll just do the 15k with 1.5 mile warm up and cool down or tack on a few afterwards and use it as a long run. Now my goal is to steadily build up mileage! *Only Concern - that I'm racing too much (5 mile race on 11/4, 15k on 11/11 and then 10k on 11/22) . My body feels fine and actually the pace I ran all of my miles at today was considerably faster than my pace on 11/4 but safely under my 15k and 10k paces. >>If anyone has suggestions of ideas for training and/or possible training programs for Marathon training, I'm gunning for Marathon #3 in October of 2008 in Albany. Is it too soon to start preparing? The course is fast.. Overall negatie elevation of 300 feet from start to finish and only one hill at about halfway point. A beautiful course limited to 500 or so runners. What would it take for me to be able to meet a BQ time of 3:10:59 for the open age group? I'm willing to give it everything I have. I want to do it right this time.<< Total Time: 56:13 Total Mileage: 7.5 Pace Per Mile: 7:30 *Note: UPDATED GOALS As well today! Didn't know what goals I should be shooting for for mileage however. Sasha mentioned a couple weeks ago to aim for 6 x 6 mile days. I guess I'll have to go week by week. THIS WEEK'S GOAL: to run every day! 8:00 PM - Evening run; Study break so decided to hop on the treadmill and cruised 2.75miles in 20:14 - 7:21 Pace