7:00 AM - Decided to get a couple miles in before going to the doctor's office. Was a little tired and groggy, but as I had to do a 12 hour fast, I couldn't have my morning coffee, so what better than endorphins to start the day off?! Easy 3 in time of 24:35. 12:00 PM - Just got back from the doctor's office and was assured a clean bill of health Everything looks to be normal. Blood pressure was 122/70 Weight was 170 (though that was fully clothed), and height was 73", 2 inches taller than checkup a year and a half ago! Perhaps the only bad part of the morning was getting cholesterol taken - - the lady poked me, then was jabbing around with the needle exclaiming, "I don't get it! You definitely have a vein here, it just doesn't want to be poked!" I replied it must be my inner runner wanting to hold onto every drop of competitive blood. Needless to say she found another vein that was less willing to the glorified stoicism and gave up without a fight, much to the nurse's relief. Stopped on the way home since I had done a 15 hour fast the night before and got a large coffee, 16 oz. Orange Juice (tasted like heaven!) and a small cinnamon roll. Hopped on the treadmill almost immediately upon opening the door. Did a nice relaxed run while reading Robert Harris' novel Pompeii. Total mileage was 4.11 in 31:58. (~7:46 pace) Total Mileage for the day: 7.11 Time: 56:33 Pace: ~7:57 overall On a side note, I just want to say that I really have appreciated all of the super feedback that my fellow fastrunningbloggers have given me. I can't remember when I had so much support and constructive criticism that at the same time governed my training and allowed such a sense of satisfaction and meaning. I have already noticed the difference, if that's even possible! as I am able to run at a consistently faster pace over an extended period of time. I truly think that if I continue to listen and apply the comments and advice to my training, that I could yet set some Personal Records! I am looking forward to Sunday's race and it was actually really neat because I found out my Doctor is actually going to be watching the race!!! I'll have to show him how I've been making progress in my training! I will keep with Sasha's advice and do another 6 miles tomorrow morning, and then treat Sunday's race like a training run and see how it goes!!