Treadmill - Ran 2.7 in 31:37 AHR 153, 74% of max, HR Range 148-163, 25.40 in zone, peak 165, cal 723 based on 232 lbs. 11:43 pace. 1% incline. Brooks Adreniline. Started the TM off at 5.4 a little faster than last time to try and get up to the training zone faster and then started lowering the speed a little earlier than last time. AHR still fairly low. This is the third run in a row where my right toes have gone numb. Right after my run I took off my shoe and felt around. The pain seems to be coming right from behind the middle toe. The ball of my foot right there seemed to be slightly swollen. I can't go to the gym tonight so plan on running outside. Thursday and Friday I may be hitting the ellipitical to give that a chance to resolve itself. |