Easy recovery jog this morning on the trail. 7:30-8:30/mile pace range. Just nice to go out feel my circulation coming back again. A little stiff in the hip area but otherwise fine this morning. Would have liked to have gone to Painters but I just don't want to race quite yet. It's not time.. my base building has not been as extensive as last year, however my years of running and competing has already installed all of my "plumbing" so to speak. Now it's about getting physically stronger, faster and more efficient. I am almost 40 and so now is the time to train intelligently all the while striking a balance between it and life in general. I'm willing to bet I can run even better this year on quality vs sheer quantity. Sometimes the body requires a changeup in the way things are done. Besides the idea of slogging mile after mile of slow running does not appeal this time. As the great Emil Zatopek once said; "I already know how to run slow, I want to learn how to run fast". Darkhorse out... |