AM: Be careful what you wish for... Earlier this week I "complained" how we skipped straight to the middle of summer. Well today was a classic spring day, cold and rainy. It actually felt good. The only problem was that my hands were cold the first half, then they were just numb :). One thing I had forgotten running the desert these last two years was the joys of a wet shirt, let's say band aids would have been nice... Mi 8-R1
Avg. 8:20 PM: Treadmill run. Easy. Right knee is a little "funny" not sore just off... Mi 4-T1 Avg. 8:00 Asics DS-Trainer #1: 202 / / Asics DS-Trainer #2: 212 / / Saucony Rides #1: 208 / / Saucony Rides #2: 209