What a crazy, emotional, day! If you would have told me I would crack 3 hours 5 months ago when I was walk/running after a time out from stress fractures, I would not have believed you. I have a lot to be grateful for. Sasha, for this blog, for the gracious training guidance the last few months, for the vote of confidence in sub-3. I've got to thank all my FRB friend for their encouragement--to Julie for hanging out with me and and room and board the last 3 days! To Allie who's words resonated in my ears as I clawed through the last 10K, to Kelli and spouse who drove us around to carbload with pizza and ice cream(and paid for it), and hung out at the hot awards ceremony and called to tell us about awards when we were showered and comfortable. I got to meet a lot of wonderful people that I've only know "online" for several years now! So, on to the race.
Up at 4am, half a cup of decaf coffee, one piece of peanut
butter and toast, and then me and Julie drove down to the finish line and
boarded the bus a little after 5. It was
a long bus ride. We got to the start
about 6. It was enough time to use the
bathroom, drink a little water, take some Gatorade chews, pace around a little--talk with blog names that now had faces. I didn’t bother with any warm up. At 6:40ish we got in line. I kinda stayed toward the back of the elite
corral, and a little after 6:45, we were off! Throughout the race I got a swallow of gatorade at each aid station(until the end) and that was it for fueling.
Miles 1-7…6:48, 7:01, 6:46, 6:31, 6:48, 6:22, 6:24—Trying not
to get overexcited and hold in the reins.
I feel good and strong. It is
dark at first but the sun begins to rise.
As we finish mile 7 I see Veyo hill looming in the distance. I have trained for this. Miles 8-12…7:37, 7:18, 7:12, 7:31,7:09 the climbing begins. I try to keep it under control and keep my
heart rate under control, but despite it everyone is huffing and puffing a lot. I still feel decent as the climbing levels
out. Miles 13-18…6:44, 6:51, 6:25, 6:16, 6:31, 6:35. This is the fun part! Going down!
Went through the halfway point in 1:31.
I tell myself I can negative split this.
Sub-3 can still happen. Miles
19-21…7:12, 6:42, 6:32. Fun time is
over. After the hill in 19 I suddenly
become aware of how hot it is, and how tired I am, and how much my legs are
starting to hurt. Fatigue begins to set
in. I begin to doubt sub-3, but I plug
along. At mile 20 the clock reads
2:17. I question if I have a 43 minute
10K in me right now. Miles 22-26…7:00,
6:54, 6:43, 7:07, 7:00. These miles were
hard. I am in agony. I’m sick to my stomach, and no longer taking Gatorade
at the aid stations—If I put anything in my mouth I will vomit. I cycle back and forth, wondering if I can
keep it up, wondering if I can get under
3. I know the pace is slowing, and try
desperately to keep my legs turning. This
is torture. Allie’s words ring in my
ear, the ones about tapping into your mental toughness when you have reached
your physical limits. I think about anything
I can, my husband, my kids, my wonderful friends, my encouragers, I pray, I see
the clock. I know it will be close. I feel despairing, I want to walk. The last two miles I was tapped out. Nothing
left. The words “never give up†become
my mantra. NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE UP. Last .27 at 6:19 pace. We turn the last corner and I can see the
balloons arching over the finish line, but the swell in the road prevents me
from seeing the actual line or clock.
Garmin reads 2:58. I have less
than 2 minutes to get to that line. So
this is it. It’s a blur, I will myself
to sprint. Do or die. It seems so far away. NEVER GIVE UP. And then it’s over. 2:59:49 chip time, 2:59:59 gun time(I was
little bit back behind the starting line)!!
By the hair of my chinny chin chin!
Once I crossed I was grateful for the nice man who held me
up as I wobbled over to the cool misters, they felt wonderful in the heat but I
wobbled through quickly because I needed to barf. I staggered over to some grass where a few
other folks were laying and grunting and layed down, flat on my back, and
closed my eyes until the nausea and the near-death feeling subsided. Eventually I got up and got some iced sprite,
which, by the way, is fantastic after a hot marathon! I lost my rental car and walked around for about 45 minutes finding it--this was probably good for me. When I finally got into it I did a little tears-of-joy crying. Showered at Julie's, ate dinner with her lovely family(and boy did I eat, whoa), then off to the Vegas airport, where I get to spend the night since my flight leaves early in the morning. Lots of internet time, I suppose! I don't know what's next. This is a pretty magical day for me. I think my next order of business will be cracking 3 on an honest course. Then I can start thinking about 2:55.