Happy New Year. We have survived 2020 and a few years before that. Haven't run consistently since surprise baby in single mom land in 2015. Check. Blessed with a man of pure gold and married in 2019. Check. My love is diagnosed with cancer one month after wedding and my career change. Check. Then Covid hits in the middle of it. I have all my excuses lined up, believe me, but in the end we're all here, we're all healthy, and I'm now 42, 20 pounds overweight and out of shape, and really I've REALLY got to do something about my health. Started keto today. Not even gonna pretend it's especially healthy but I'm committing to 31 days to get weight off, start running, and switch to clean eating February 1. Chances are, given the last 5 years, I'll fail yet another attempt to get it together but I'm gonna keep trying so here goes another try.