Ran in the Corporate Games 5K this morning, a cross country grass course at Cottonwood Complex. The course was about 3/10 of a mile short so I probably would've run somewhere around 21:20 had it been the right distance. I ran the typical XC style race - went out too fast (6:35 first mile) then tried to hang on (6:55 pace for the rest of the race). I was actually quite relieved that the course was short. I'm not going to lie, I did not like getting beat by a bunch of guys that did not look very fit. Running on grass is a lot harder than roads and it became evident that I am still favoring my right side quite a bit. My form is not fluid and I'm collapsing to my left side on each stride. Once the race was over, I could tell that my pelvis was tilted. Lots of strengthening and form work needs to be done! It was great to see several friends out there today...Carina and her training buddy Tara beat me handily in the race (Carina was pacing hence the 2nd place). Nice to chat with the Jamesons as well. Also, wearing an oversized t-shirt to race is not comfortable! 
