AM - 10 miles, very easy. Rolling hills in the suburbs.
PM - 3 miles, easy. Did this shake-out b/c I knew I would be eating a lot for dinner! Recap of the TN trip - running the 5k race was aborted due to a 6 1/2 hour flight delay and getting into town at 3:30am. All of my runs were just getting in mileage - no workouts or long runs. It felt harder for me to run in the humidity than in SLC. That in combination with the rolling hills made every run seem like a decent workout, no matter how fast or slow. My back really struggled after the plane ride on Friday. The water skiing on Saturday made me pretty sore too. It didn't ever seem like a good idea to push the pace, especially after Jake got hurt on Saturday (which was hopefully just a muscle spasm and nothing more). Time to get back on top of my stretching and exercises so I can be 100%. So it's about 4 1/2 weeks to TOU Half. I need to put in more
quality workouts and less hobby-jogger miles if I am going to be
competitive. We'll see.
